Elon Musk

Elon Musk is looking for creative and re-playable games to put in Telsas

Could Tesla be the hot new platform for indies?

Elon Musk recently reached out on Twitter asking game developers to consider applying to work at Tesla… yes, the car manufacturer. The move came after he mentioned that a handful of classic Atari games would be coming to Tesla V9.0 as Easter eggs. These would include Pole Position, Tempest and Missile Command, with Pole Position using the cars actual steering wheel as the controller, whilst parked of course.

It seems the platform would suit the innovation that indie games could bring, with Musk stating they’d like to integrate the car’s centre touchscreen. Developers on Twitter have already begun to pitch in with ideas including PlayerUnknown himself, Brendan Greene who suggested a Top Trumps style game for people stuck in traffic.

Not that strange of a move from Musk, after all, he did sell flamethrowers in preparation for the zombie apocalypse recently and also launched a Telsa into space. So, playing video games whilst your car drives itself seems like the sensible next step. Jokes aside, the intention seems for the car to be stationary when this function is available. Although one Twitter users did want to get Musk’s thoughts on a Pokemon Go style game for the Tesla.

It’s unlikely that the Telsa will be the next go-to platform for indies, but we might just see a few classics sneak onto the system.