
This sci-fi sex game gathered £1.5M on Kickstarter

Are we alone in this universe? What is out there? More importantly… can we bone it?


If we learned anything from the whole House Party experience is that sex games have an audience and a pretty large one for that matter. Regardless of the backlash Eek! Games received for their open-house party themed simulator in which our goal is to have sex with anyone and everyone we can, the controversy hasn’t stopped FOW Interactive from developing Subverse. It’s worth noting that Studio FOW has published 16 pornographic movies.

So what is Subverse? A sci-fi space RPG in which players command a crew of so-called “waifus” in their quest to overthrow an oppressive galactic empire “ruled by a by a bunch of puritanical douchebags”. Subverse’s Kickstarter page offers a pretty good way of describing this game in a few words. “Are we alone in this universe? What is out there? More importantly… can we bone it?“.

And, not surprisingly, every image or GIF used to illustrate FOW Interactive’s project feature humanoid women with unreal big breasts. It’s safe to say that if you dislike objectification and stereotypical male chauvinism, then please stay away from this game, you’ll be offended.

And it’s actually a surprise that in almost mid-2019 these types of games receive such baffling financial support. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this game shouldn’t exist. Nor Hatred should’ve been banned the way it was. I’m just shocked that so many people decided to throw their money into this project that only seems to offer big digital boobs as a reward.

Aside from that, Subverse has some tactical turn-based combat and top-down bullet hell space fights, but for what we can see in their Kickstarter page the focus is clearly elsewhere. “Collect rare DNA samples across your adventures to create vicious bio-weapon monsters called MANTICORES (Mantics) to fight alongside your waifus. Outside of combat, your troops can serve another purpose by keeping your waifus satisfied. Yes, we totally mean by banging“. Clear enough?

Will this game bring the controversy we’ve seen with House Party, Hatred, Active Shooter or Border Patrol? We’ll see. It would actually be shocking if it didn’t. But every game, artistic creation, book or movie has its audience, and Subverse seems to have effectively tapped into the most primitive aspects of theirs.

Subverse currently has over 60,500 backers, gathering more than £1.5 million on Kickstarter.