Hotel Afterlife 06 (press material)

Hotel Afterlife Is Two Point Hospital With Ghouls

They did the mash; they did the monster mash

There’s been a resurgence of the economic strategy game recently, with the likes of Two Point Hospital, Jurassic World Evolution, and even Planet Zoo coming out and being fairly successful. To, *ahem*, build on all of that loveliness, Alrauna Studio has announced a new competitor in this high-stakes market, in the form of Hotel Afterlife.

Now, you can probably guess at some of the things you’ll be doing in the game, but you might not be able to guess the inspirations. For starters, there are nine maps, each of which is modelled on the circles of hell from Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. That’s a deep literary cut that you may only know thanks to the occasional video game reference or throwaway joke, but it should make for a really interesting setting.

You play as a manager of a hotel, one that is meant to host the sinners and punish them accordingly, you’ll be tasked with purifying these souls, and if you do well at it, you’ll be promoted. It’s kind of like a normal 9-5 job, but with measurable results and probably more job satisfaction. You’ll get to build and customise rooms, manage your income, and do all of that good stuff you want from this style of game. There’ll also be references to pop culture (memes?) and politics (more memes?).

Hotel Afterlife will be coming out at some point near the end of the year to PC, Switch, and other consoles. That could mean PS4 and Xbox One, or it could mean PS5 and Xbox Series X.