no straights

No Straight Roads Is Out Soon And It Rocks

Turn it up to 11

Music is good, actually. Listening to it is inherently cathartic, can improve mental health, and reveal which of your family members can’t sing at all, usually when you’re trying to write something. It’s also a fun theme to explore in video games, and while games like Guitar Hero might be lost at the moment, seeing a new music-themed game is always an exciting time. So, I want to introduce you to No Straight Roads.

No Straight Roads tells the story of Mayday and Zuke as they try and lead a musical revolution against the EDM empire No Straight Roads. It’s not the music that’s the issue here though, it turns out that No Straight Roads is evil, so they set out to try and save the world from this evil empire. It’s all a backdrop to some excellent music and some really unique fights.

The most exciting thing about the game, at least for me, is just how good the music already is. Even from just the trailer you get a real sense of some of the excellent soundtrack, and it feels perfect for a vinyl release at some point later on. It’s also got a great aesthetic to it, and the battle system looks really cool. Of course, it might not all hold up, but we can find out for sure when No Straight Roads releases on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on June 30th. That’s only next month, though how long that’ll actually feel is anybody’s guess.