
Why You Should Play Streets Of Rogue

Take this to the streets

Honestly, the name Streets of Rogue is kind of deceptive. It brings to mind a game where you lead burly men and women in a side-scrolling world, eat turkey’s from bins, and occasionally throw lead pipes at people. Now, a roguelike Streets of Rage game would be great, but that’s not what this is, not at all. Instead, Streets of Rogue is an incredibly strange kind of roguelike that has some incredible immersive-sim elements.

What that means, is that you can tap on windows to get someone’s attention, break the windows, climb through them, cut them out using a special tool, or simply punch someone through them while you’re playing as a gorilla. You’ve basically got a lot of options for every single interaction in Streets of Rogue, and while that’s not immediately obvious upon booting up the game, you’ll constantly find new ways of messing with the world as you play. These give the game as much replayability as the roguelike nature of the game itself, and you’ll never get bored of watching a harebrained scheme go off without a hitch, or fail spectacularly because zombies show up.

You take control of one of several characters classes, including ones that you can create from scratch, and help fight through a corrupt city as part of the resistance. Every level has you tasked with new objectives, and how you achieve those is entirely up to you. It’s just a game with nigh-endless possibilities, and it’s also an absolute blast to play in co-op with up to three of your friends. It also happens to be on sale right now, and you should probably make the most of that.