
Take A Trip Through Time With Evoland

Games have come an awfully long way in the few decades that they’ve been around. It’s astounding to go back and play something like Pong and then look ahead to games like Ghostrunner and think about the fact that the two come from the same medium. It’s always fun to go back and play older games, but sometimes the lack of modern comforts makes them a little grating. Well, Evoland is a game that understands that, and it’s got a very clever answer to that particular problem.

You start off playing Evoland as a very basic RPG, an old one. As you play through the game you unlock new content and new features which changes not only how the game plays, but how it looks and sounds. The driving force behind it is never “I need to beat this boss” but “I wonder what will be added next.” You’re not really focusing on upgrading your abilities but upgrading the game itself/. It’s a unique take on what a game can be.

It’s almost like playing through the history of the RPG genre, and there’s something incredibly nostalgic about every single step you take on your journey through time. It’s also quite a lot of fun, and I found the writing to be fairly funny at times too. I don’t think it’s necessarily pushing anything forwards, but I do think it’s an important reflection of what’s come before, and I really like what it does as a game, and that’s why I think you should play it.