
Unspottable Has A Very Among Us Energy

A good local multiplayer game is the kind of thing you’ll end up playing whenever you have a group of friends over for the rest of time. Granted, there’s not all that much point in trying to be a group at the moment, but at least Steam lets you do the remote play together thing so that you can still enjoy some excellent local multiplayer games. One such multiplayer game is Unspottable, a game where you all try to figure out which of the characters on screen is a human and which is a robot.

It’s an incredibly simple premise, but it’s one that plays out in a side-splitting manner every time you boot it up. The aim is to blend into the crowd and pretend you’re a machine until the last possible second when you slug your friend and take them down. Of course, as you’re all trying to do the same thing, you can’t expect it to be very easy. Each level will have something kind of gimmick to keep things fresh, and you’ll have to pay close attention if you want to come out on top each time.

Of course, you could always just let chaos reign and try and take out everything on the screen, but the chances are that if you do that you’ll end up getting walloped first. It’s up to you how you want to play, but we definitely recommend checking out the demo if you like the sounds of this particular brand of mania.