30-50 hogs

There’s already a game based on the 30-50 hogs meme

You have 3-5 mins to protect your small kids whilst they play.30-50 hogs

A Twitter users bizarre question went viral this week after he posted in response to calls for tighter gun control in the US following several tragic mass shootings. With many Americans calling for a ban on assault weapons, William McNabb wanted to put forward his reasoning behind having access to them.

Many users on social media lashed onto this seemingly strange comment as a form of comic relief in the wake of a serious discussion about second amendment rights. The comment has since gone viral, spawning a variety of parody videos, gifs, fan art and memes. And, now, also a game, more accurately described by creator, Elijah Cobb as an interactive meme called, you guessed it, 30-50 Feral Hogs.

30-50 feral hogs

The game places you into the shoes of a resolute father determined to stop a horde of 30-50 wild hogs from devouring his children as they play for 3-5 minutes in the back garden. In what is essentially a wave shooter, you have to use your assault rifle to take down as many of the rampaging pigs as you can before they overwhelm you.

Although the fantastical idea of fighting 30-50 wild pigs with assault weapons in front of your small children stoked the imagination of many Twitter users according to The Guardian this is a legitimate problem in rural America. Although, they also noted that an assault rifle would not help the situation, and may in fact make it worse.

30-50 Feral Hogs is available to play on itch.io in your browser or as a download now.