
Prepare To Make Mistakes In Surgeon Simulator 2

My hand slipped, sorry

Slapstick comedy is something that can be fairly hit or miss in gaming. While earlier attempts at gaming often focussed on the humour, or having other characters being the slapsticks, more recent efforts have mastered this style of game by putting you in charge of the slapping of the sticks. Games like Gang Beasts, Fall Guys, and even EMBR are all pretty good at it, but it’s hard to deny the raw appeal of Surgeon Simulator.

Surgeon Simulator 2, which is like the first one, but new, is coming out on August 31st, and along with the incredibly good video above, will also be bringing 4-player co-op. Co-op games are one of the most enjoyable kinds of experience thanks to the joys of completing a task together with your mates.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I can barely trust my gaming friends to not accidentally set me on fire in Divinity: Original Sin 2, or steal my loot in Risk of Rain 2, let alone operate alongside me.

Nevertheless, the idea of jumping into a theatre together with my idiot friends is rather appealing, and even though I’m 100% certain that I’ll somehow end up on the operating table by accident, I’m very much excited to see it all happen. I say excited, it’s like that anxious excitement you get before getting a new tattoo, or giving blood, or preparing to have your legs cut off by a friend as they attempt to pass you a spatula, you know the one?