
INDUSTRIA Is A Lynchian Alternate Universe FPS Game

First-person shooter games are often far more about the gameplay than the story. Most people associate the genre with things like multiplayer deathmatches, or battle royales, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used to tell a really compelling story. Thankfully, plenty of developers know that, and that’s why we get cool-looking games like INDUSTRIA that come along occasionally to keep us on our toes.

INDUSTRIA is an FPS game that’s initially set in East Berlin. However on a search for a missing colleague, you accidentally stumble into a strange parallel dimension filled to the brim with robotic creatures, all of whom seem to think that you’re worthy of being attacked. It’s actually a fairly interesting concept, and the core of the game has you trying to figure out what happened to your friend, what on Earth they’ve been experimenting with, and also why it’s all seemingly been covered up by State Security.

While INDUSTRIA is an FPS, it only has four different weapons, at least according to the steam page, so we’re expecting the focus here to very much be on story rather than shooting. It means that this is the kind of game that people can get into without needing absurd preternatural reflexes, and it also means it might leave more of a mark on you than your standard shooter. Not that there’s anything wrong with just playing an FPS because it’s fun, not at all, but it is nice to get stuck into a story-driven game now and then. You can check out INDUSTRIA when it releases on September 30th.